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As a young, dynamic company in the field of software technology Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is on course for success. To expand even further, we are looking for new employees in different areas. For more details about the job please click on the particular vacancy.

Were you able to find a vacancy that matches your qualifications?
We’re looking forward to your application.

Interested? Need more information?
Please send us your application documents including your possible start date. Ideally as online
application (max 2 attachments) per mail (doc or pdf) at:

Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH
Samira Nowosak
Kaiserstraße 241
76133 Karlsruhe

Lookeen has customers for example at:


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Lookeen won the coveted title of “Best Outlook Add-in 2010″ from the internationally renowned website! A significant majority of the readers voted for Lookeen. Every year, at the “Readers Choice Awards” the best Outlook add-in is chosen. For four weeks readers we were able to choose between the five most recent Outlook add-ins. We thank everyone who voted for us! Lookeen is an extension for Microsoft Outlook. Already in over 80 countries around the world, Lookeen is a success story – with more than 20,000 customers currently using the fastest search tool.


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Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is a privately held software vendor focusing on technology concerning information, communication and recognition. The company is located in Karlsruhe and was founded by Martin Welker in 2003. We have successfully been developing software in the areas of artificial intelligence and knowledge and information extraction for over a decade. In this time we have acquired experience in company management, creating concepts and realizing software tasks. Since 2002 our research has primarily been based on the area of “communication intelligence” – the analysis and presentation of communication.